Xhorse VVDI2 Unable to Retrieve PIN from 2001 VW Golf. Tips and alternatives for resolving the issue.
Problem: I just got a new Xhorse VVDI2 full and tested it on a 2001 VW Golf #VIN WVWZZZ1JZ1W718561.
The tool identified the car as KWP1281 if I recall correctly. But it failed to connect to the car or read the PIN. I tried all the options available but still no luck.
Can you tell me what I did wrong? Solution: If it is a 2001 petrol model then many tools have trouble reading pin on them. so it is common for many tools to fail to read pin on these.
It is unfortunate but true. VVDI2 cannot do older VW, Seat, Skoda, Audi vehicles.
From Golf 5 from around 2005 and above, it will do the job. But for some older cars it is a hit or miss.
For older vag cars use some other older tools. VAG Tacho, MVP Pro, vcds or SBB2 tool will finish job in few minutes.vag tacho is one of best on the older models.
Most 1J chassis are no problem by obd , just a few are better done by EEPROM. Most tools are smooth and fine on most 1j models, smart pro, mvp pro, zedfull , abrites, vag tacho, spvg etc , these tools were working on these systems long before, alot of the newer tools haven’t bothered spending on the development of older models.
Check for 3 digit engine code, most parts look up sites list this, plus there is a sticker in engine bay and one in boot by the spare wheel that list the engine code too.
vag use various different clusters, over 84 different ecu variants and even more software variants , no tool has them all covered, this is why a good parts look up site by vin is a useful tool to have as you can check system up front and know what your facing, multiple tools saves the day on most as all have something the other doesn’t, one fails another succeeds, on the old models vag tacho is most reliable and vvdi2 works well on newer.