What Xhorse XM38 remote to generate Elantra ada proxhelloit?
What Xhorse XM38 remote to generate Elantra ada proxhelloit?
What XM38 remote I can use to generate 2020 Hyundai elantra ada proxhelloit, says completed but its not. This blog tells you what models Xhorse XM38 is compatible with.
Xhorse XM38 introduction: Xhorse XM38 is a series of main chips, XM38 series smart keys include 3 series: Toyota special series,Hyundai special series, and Universal series.
1.Toyota XM38 Toyota special series can generate Toyota 8A, 4D, 4A and universal smart card models.
2.XM38 hyundai XM38 hyundai is not on the market currently, it supports generate models:Hyundai, Kia 8A and universal smart .
3.Universal Xhorse XM38 The universal smart type is able to generate 8A, 4D, 46, 47, 49, 4A, 48, MQB48 and MQB49 keys of domestic models, and it is compatible with the original universal smart models.
Universal XM38 works for all smart key, not including Toyota.The function can perfectly replace the original smart key. Toyota, Hyundai 8A and other models need to use a special series smart key. Users can go to Xhorse app to find which XM38 you shoulduse.